Below are links to the applications forms for Enrolment as a Served member (was Member) or Member (was Associate member) of the Royal Naval Patrol Service Association. The application forms are in .pdf format which requires Adobe Reader to be installed. If you don't have this programme see the Newsletter page to download a copy.
The Rules set out the qualifications for membership in each grade and should be read before any application is made.
Those who served in Royal Naval Patrol Service 1939-1945 are eligible to join as 'Served Members'. Anyone interested in and supporting the aims and objectives of the Association may join as a 'Member'.
Completed applications should be sent to the address at the foot of the application form accompanied by the appropriate fee and a stamped addressed envelope in UK (or three International Reply Coupons for applications from overseas).
Membership application for those who served (Annual fee £8.00 on application and renewal)
Membership application for those who support (Annual fee £10.00 on application and renewal)
Those wishing to renew membership should send the annual fee (as above), payable to RNPS Association, to:
The Secretary
Royal Naval Patrol Service Association
Naval Museum
Sparrows Nest Gardens
Whapload Road
Suffolk NR32 1XG
It would be helpful and save us the cost of postage if members could indicate if they would like to receive the Newsletter in .pdf format by email, and they should receive it sooner.
Please send your request with your name, postal address (so we can remove you from the postal distribution list) and email address via the mailform (see left). Please douible-check the exact spelling of your email address.